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Monthly archive for December 2014

Follow Me

Follow Me

FOLLOW ME! • Mt. 4:18-20 (total submission) • John 10:22-27 (know His voice) • Mt. 10:38 (obedience) New interns are given the assignment of shadowing a doctor for a period of time for the purpose of learning how to apply what they have learned to practical situations. The interns follow the seasoned professional on his/her rounds and receives instructions, guidance, encouragement, and correction. They are expected to combine book knowledge with practice to develop a lifestyle of service that will benefit the world. That accomplishment has much to do with not only the intern’s willingness to serve and attitude of submission, but on the skills and dedication of the person they followed during their internship. (Discipleship) We learn to lead by learning how to follow. Here is the problem with leaders. They usually lead according to who they are and not who they were ordained to be. God’s gift of […]

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DISTRACTIONS A new study of three hundred drivers over 2 years proves that most accidents are caused by inattentive drivers. It seems that drivers are distracted by a host of electronic accessories including the PDA, radio, TV, smart phone, etc. Death, injuries, and escalating medical insurance are the result of DISTRACTIONS. God created the perfect environment, created man, and then gave him dominion over it. All he had to do was maintain his relationship with his creator and obey His instructions. That seemed simple enough. God gave man free access to everything except the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. He never had to be concerned about anything because he was protected by and provided for by God Himself. His relationship with God was his only concern and he functioned as a spiritual man. His choice to disobey God led to a life controlled by the lust of […]

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Crucified with Christ

Crucified with Christ

CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST If you believe in Jesus and are born again you belong to Him. The deciding factor is whether one has been related to Christ in life, not how spiritual one is or what work he does for the Lord nor whether he has been freed from sin, has overcome the passions and desires of his flesh, and is now wholly sanctified. When one has believed in the Lord Jesus as his Savior no matter what his current state may be–in victory or defeat–he has crucified the flesh. “The issue before us is not a moral one, nor is it a matter of spiritual life, knowledge, or work. It simply is whether he is the Lord’s. If so, then he already has crucified the flesh on the cross. The meaning clearly is not that of going to crucify or of in the process of crucifying, but has crucified.” […]

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Fully Committed

Fully Committed

FULLY COMMITTED… “Those who belong to Christ Jesus have nailed the passions and desires of their sinful nature to His cross and crucified them there. Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in EVERY part of our lives. Let us not become conceited, or provoke one another, or be jealous of one another.” (Gal. 5:24-26) Because we are all born with a sin nature we naturally sin. We are fully committed to doing things our way and seeking our own satisfaction rather than glorifying God. We cannot help it. Our flesh cannot and will not change. Most of us spend a lifetime focused on our personal provision, protection, and satisfaction and how well we accomplish those goals determines our self-worth. The world system that we live in caters to this mindset and perpetuates the chaos and confusion that results. Common sense should reveal that […]

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Designed for Relationships

Designed for Relationships
Designed for Relationships Did you know that God created mankind for the purpose of establishing relationships? Genesis 2:18 says that in the beginning, He created Adam, and decided it was not good for him to be alone. He created Eve, and said she was help that was “meet” for him, meaning she was someone suitable (or proper) for him. Why did Adam need help? He needed help to develop out of self-centeredness. With Eve in his life, God knew Adam would always be challenged to consider someone other than himself. God established the institution of marriage between Adam and Eve for the purpose of eliminating their “aloneness.” We need companionship for reasons far greater than just satisfying a lonely heart. With Eve by his side, Adam was forced to fight his selfishness. By loving someone else, he would become a better man. This does not apply only to married people. [...]Read more

Knowing Your True Identity

Knowing Your True Identity
Knowing Your True Identity Do you know who you are? I’m not talking about who you are because of your parents, your background, or your upbringing, but I mean do you really know who you are in Christ? Most people know who they are in the natural realm as it relates to their family and upbringing, but when it comes to their true identity in Christ and what that entails, they don’t have a clue. Often, people have a hard time identifying with Jesus, because they relate to their physical, natural identities and the things they can perceive with their senses more than they do with Him. In addition, they equate their outward behavior with their identity and think that what they do is who they are. However, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and personal Savior, we become one with Him. Knowing who we are in Christ is [...]Read more

Single and Whole

Single and Whole
Single and Whole   Whether you are single because you are divorced, widowed or simply have yet to connect with Mr. or Ms. Right, I urge you to cherish the life you have been blessed with. Contrary to popular belief you are not half of a person because you are not married. You are complete in God, and set aside for His use. In this season in your life, realize your God-given uniqueness in the eyes of your Heavenly Father. There is no one else in the world just like you. And while you may not have discovered it fully, God has a specific plan and purpose for your life, no matter your age. There is something you can do, a void only you can fill. If you are not enjoying your singleness, and seeking God’s will for your life, you are doing yourself and others an injustice. This could [...]Read more

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    EVERY MONDAY EVENING at 7 pm. Basic training for new Christians and...
  • follow christ alex bess dominion ministries west palm beach
    Follow Me
    FOLLOW ME! • Mt. 4:18-20 (total submission) • John 10:22-27 (know His...
  • Distractions
    DISTRACTIONS A new study of three hundred drivers over 2 years proves...
  • crucified-with christ dominion ministries west palm beach alex bess
    Crucified with Christ
    CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST If you believe in Jesus and are born again...