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About Dominion Ministries


Alex Bess (founder/director) 561.512.7300

Jay Bonner - President of Dominion Ministries & Florida Congressional Candidate Dist. 20

Jay Bonner – President  of Ministries  

Dominion Ministries, Inc.: Statement of Purpose

 Bringing together men and women of God who use the mind of Christ and the Word of God to prescribe practical solutions to social ills

Theme: “Changing community life by changing lives in the community”. Our message should be: We are not better than you, we are you.  

Fulfilling the “great commission”. Jesus was consistent in faithfulness but not in methodology. The world has changed. This generation must rethink and restructure the way we do ministry and how we implement the great commission.

Workshops and seminars designed to address critical issues and trends which negatively impact the quality of life within our societies:

1.      Economic…poverty, unemployment, globalization

2.      Social…child abuse, domestic violence, homelessness

3.      Medical…aids, epidemic and pandemic illness and diseases

4.      Educational…illiteracy

5.      Environmental…global warming, technological

Five Pillar Institutions of Society…

1. Family

2. Church

3. Education

4. Media

5. Government

The impact of Dominion Ministries Inc. on People, Society and the world become empowered and equipped to live effective lives as standard bearers in their homes, churches, communities and the market place as a whole.

To gain a sense of personal responsibility to make a difference

Leadership development

Bible-based spiritual enrichment

Mission development

To motivate individuals to promote and demonstrate the message of Jesus Christ within their communities for:

1.      Spiritual renewal

2.      Community development

3.      Psychological liberation

4.      Political enfranchisement

5.      Educational reformation

6.      Economic empowerment

7.      Social reconstruction


The largest number of cases handled by the courts are FAMILY COURT cases

Domestic violence cases are increasing especially among women & girls

Major problem within the system is the lack of collaboration

Parents may not have the capacity to help the child and the court system sets them up for failure when it offers no support system


made up of dysfunctional families

any solution that does not offer spiritual guidance is NOT a solution

ALL issues are mental/spiritual issues


DOMINION MINISTRIES INC stands for traditional values:


       Family Reconstruction: The family is the first biblical institution and the foundation of society. The family must be promoted by the protection of the traditional institution of marriage (one man and one woman, protection of the unborn and the successful adoption of children separated from their biological parents)

       Wealth Creation: If infrastructure for indigenous businesses can be encouraged, the growth of homeownership for minorities, support for small businesses, community re-development, prison after-care programs, social security and new jobs will transform minority communities.

       Education Reform: Viable urban choices must be provided that do not destabilize existing school programs (ex.: charter schools) Higher education participation for Blacks, reduction of urban drop-out and improvement of school participation must be encouraged.

       Prison Reform: Stronger endeavors must be made to reduce the number of repeat offenders through legislative efforts such as the Second Chance Act. In addition, legislative efforts must also be made to eliminate the inequities in the “3 strikes” system. Community and church programs must be empowered to provide after care programming to allow for a smoother transition of offenders back into the community at large.

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