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Archive for the Identity in Christ Category

Crucified with Christ

Crucified with Christ

CRUCIFIED WITH CHRIST If you believe in Jesus and are born again you belong to Him. The deciding factor is whether one has been related to Christ in life, not how spiritual one is or what work he does for the Lord nor whether he has been freed from sin, has overcome the passions and desires of his flesh, and is now wholly sanctified. When one has believed in the Lord Jesus as his Savior no matter what his current state may be–in victory or defeat–he has crucified the flesh. “The issue before us is not a moral one, nor is it a matter of spiritual life, knowledge, or work. It simply is whether he is the Lord’s. If so, then he already has crucified the flesh on the cross. The meaning clearly is not that of going to crucify or of in the process of crucifying, but has crucified.” […]

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Knowing Your True Identity

Knowing Your True Identity
Knowing Your True Identity Do you know who you are? I’m not talking about who you are because of your parents, your background, or your upbringing, but I mean do you really know who you are in Christ? Most people know who they are in the natural realm as it relates to their family and upbringing, but when it comes to their true identity in Christ and what that entails, they don’t have a clue. Often, people have a hard time identifying with Jesus, because they relate to their physical, natural identities and the things they can perceive with their senses more than they do with Him. In addition, they equate their outward behavior with their identity and think that what they do is who they are. However, when we accept Jesus as our Lord and personal Savior, we become one with Him. Knowing who we are in Christ is [...]Read more

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