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Archive for the Relationships Category

Designed for Relationships

Designed for Relationships
Designed for Relationships Did you know that God created mankind for the purpose of establishing relationships? Genesis 2:18 says that in the beginning, He created Adam, and decided it was not good for him to be alone. He created Eve, and said she was help that was “meet” for him, meaning she was someone suitable (or proper) for him. Why did Adam need help? He needed help to develop out of self-centeredness. With Eve in his life, God knew Adam would always be challenged to consider someone other than himself. God established the institution of marriage between Adam and Eve for the purpose of eliminating their “aloneness.” We need companionship for reasons far greater than just satisfying a lonely heart. With Eve by his side, Adam was forced to fight his selfishness. By loving someone else, he would become a better man. This does not apply only to married people. [...]Read more

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